Samsung TV 3D AMOLED 30 Inchi


Notebooks And Computers -Sometimes without knowing it when we watch television, so we can feel the atmosphere in the television show. But it would be a very complete sense of taste when it actually appeared evident in three-dimensional form in front of your eyes. It must feel like you're in the television movie is not?

Yes, especially if you have a new product output this Samsung television, where it uses sophisticated three-dimensional stereoscopic lenses using AMOLED panels and has the highest ratio of 1:1000000. 30-inch television set sail is equipped with Full HD with the thickness of just 2.5mm.

New products released in Japan is also equipped with high-tech lens shutter to reduce dizziness when you watch it. Usually the audience complained 3D viewing dizziness while watching the show a lot of three-dimensional. Unfortunately not say how much a certain price range of these products, because it was new prototypes that will later be developed further.

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