Asus Xtreme P7P55D-E


Notebooks And Computers -USB 3.0 is still comparatively new, still not too many producers who create things with it. However, ASUS wanted to be a number bully in this one matter.

Bring a USB 3.0 device-laden P6X58 in the form of the motherboard, this would make our eyes wide enough where ASUS believes himself to be the first to bring support for USB 3.0 and SATA with the latest specification and the latest at the moment, especially with the speed of data flow 6Gbps .

Today, with mainboard series P7P55D Xtreme Design-E, which is already using the latest processors also the I5 and Core Core i7. Unfortunately currently only have only two ports are using USB 3.0, where a total of 10 ports for using USB 2.0. This motherboard reportedly ready for the market with price range 299 EUR and for the addition of a plus U3S6 cards at a cost of 29 USD.

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