Google Create New Spam Killer

Google has announced new features to the Gmail service can automatically filter out spam messages. Priority e-mail messages will be placed at the top of the inbox while others are placed at the bottom. Role of 'priority Inbox' is designed to help users manage hundreds of emails received every day. New applications will be divided into three sections inbox: 'Important and unread', 'starred' and 'Everything Else'. According to Google, when dating message, Gmail automatically gives a sign that the message is important.

Google says Inbox Priority will be launched for all Gmail users, including those who use Google Apps, for next week. Google describes a new filtering system as a "personal assistant" to help you focus on the message without any complex rules. " Messages that initially began appearing in the new priority boxes will be based on an algorithm that looks at factors such as the identity of the sender, the phrases in the message and whether the sender is a person or company. To e-mail from friends and family will appear above the message is less important.

Gmail was launched by Google in April 2004 and is now estimated to have reached 146 million users worldwide.

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